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"Processes of Life must be kept in motion"

Andrew Taylor Still - Philosophy of Osteopathy

"Dance, dance otherwise we are lost"

Pina Bausch

"Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind

Usui Mikao

Who am I?

Born in France, I studied Physical Therapy at I.F.M.K. of Paris and obtained my diploma in 2009. I worked as a Physical Therapist in Paris during 7 years, in a private practice. While I was working as a Physical Therapist, I studied Osteopathy at E.O. of Paris for 5 years. At the end of my studies, I wrote a thesis over anorexia.

Anorexia is a complex eating disorder, engaging emotion, mind and body. In our society, thin equals strength, food equals health, we tend to control everything: what we look like, what we eat, without having pleasure or being thankful for what we are and what we have.

With anorexia the body is totally denied. Therapy plus a work on body image, touch and physical therapy are part of the treatment. 

I have been working with professional dancers and students since 2015.

In New York City I developed  my dance practice and understanding. I used to go to open classes of Martha Graham School. According to Martha Graham’s philosophy, movement is generated from three places: the action of contraction and release, the pelvis, and the emotional inner self. The contraction, or strong pulling back and curving of the torso, and the release of this movement by returning to a straight torso are symbolic of the dichotomies in life. It is the contrast between desire and duty, between fear and courage, between weakness and strength.

In addition to my work I use Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese technique of meditation and relaxation. Reiki complete my understanding of the life force energy on the human being. I use this technique for myself and others.

As a mother of two I understand the chalenge of being a mother, a parent, an expatriate and a women. Reiki helps me when I feel the pressure.

I have been in Amsterdam since August 2022. A new adventure. 

  • New York International Reiki Center, January 2018, Reiki level 1&2

  • E.O. Paris, 2010-2015, Master Degree in Osteopathy

  • I.F.M.K. Paris, 2006-2009, Bachelor Degree in Physical Therapy

  • Cherionna Menzam-Sills. The Breath of Life, an introduction to craniosacral biodynamics. North Atlantic Books, 2018.

  • Peter Deadman, Mazin Al-Khafaji with Kevin Baker. A Manual of Acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Medecine Publications, 2007.

  • Nicette Sergueef. Ostéopathie pédiatrique. Elsevier, 2010.

  • Paul Chauffour, Éric Prat. Le Lien Mécanique Ostéopathique. Sully, 2016

  • Injury Prevention Lectures and Workshops-Harkness Center, 2023

  • Dancers

  • Prenatal, postnatal care

  • Newborns, babies and children

  • Eating Disorders



Osteopathy for everyone. Osteopathy to treat a pain, a disorder. Osteopathy for balance between your body, your mind state and your emotions. Osteopathy to connect to your intrinsic health.

Manipulative treatment to treat a pain, a disorder. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Balance between body, mind state and emotions using acupressure point.

As a physiotherapist to guide you to adapt your posture, strengthen and stretch your muscles.

Explain the pain and find solutions together.

Craniosacral Biodynamics to connect to your intrinsic health. Because we are, as human beings, not separated from the forces at work throughout the universe. The forces at work are perceived to generate a delicate ordering and organizing. It is called primary respiration.

With a gentle touch to connect you with the primary respiration and your inner health.

Anchor 1

Dance Medecine&Science

I first started to work with dance compagnies in Paris with Yoan Bourgeois. Then I moved to NYC. I worked with dancers on tour and also regularly to enhance their health. My experience on tour was with Ballet Preljoclaj, Compagnie CNDC Angers, Martha Graham Dance Company. I am now living in Amsterdam, after working with MOMIX, I am ready to help more dancers.


Osteopathy for professional dancers and students with injuries, to promote and to enhance healing and health.


Because dancers are artists and athletes


Students because you are still growing or just finished your growth and you have special needs.

Osteopathy is a global manipulative therapy, that works on not only bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments but also organs, vessels et nervous system to enhance healing and health.

Osteopathy is included in injury prevention program.

Pre&Post natal care and newborns

Osteopathy during pregnancy and after because your body needs special care, to enhance well-being, mobility, alignement with your mind state and your emotions.







Care and preparation for childbirth.

Prevention for post partum and care.

One session per trimester is recommended.

A session 3 weeks after childbirth is recommended or before if needed.

For baby a session 3 weeks after the birth or before if needed.


  • torticolis,

  • plagiocephaly,

  • malposition of the feet,

  • digestion

  • intense labour

  • intense cry

  • feeding

  • sleep

Anchor 2

Amsterdam Maison de la Santé

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Amsterdam Maison de la Santé s’est installée au cœur d’Amsterdam-Zuid où des professionnels de la Santé francophone (Ostéopathie, Naturopathie Psychomotricité…) se sont réunis pour vous offrir une pratique pluridisciplinaire au sein d’un lieu unique en langue française.

Dans la vie d’expatrié, il n’est pas toujours évident de se retrouver dans le système local. En fonction des besoins, la communauté peut avoir envie de s’orienter vers un praticien francophone pour retrouver ses repères.

Prévention, Accompagnement, Soutien et Education sont au cœur de notre approche pour la communauté francophone.

Pour la communauté francophone:

Les prises de rendez-vous se passent directement via le professionnel de santé concerné.

Les activités suivantes sont d’ores et déjà disponibles:

° Psychomotricité/ Consultation sommeil bébé & enfants:

Emilie Martin-Chave, tél: +31639214629

° Ostéopathie/ Kinésithérapie:

Eléonore Bouétard, tél: +31625245167

°Ostéopathie/ Naturopathie / BioGuidance®:

Alice Oriane Cordier, tél:+31652631152

Pour les professionnels de  la Maison de la Santé:

Une plateforme a été mise en place pour vous permettre de réserver la salle en fonction de vos besoins à tarifs avantageux:

Si vous êtes intéressés, contactez-nous pour avoir l’autorisation d’accès via:

Nous nous situons à:

  • 5 mn à pied de Olympiaplein (Tram 24)

  • 5 mn de la sortie autoroute A10 (“Amsterdam Oud-Zuid, parking Olympiaplein)

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Au plaisir de vous rencontrer Eléonore, Emilie et Alice!

Amsterdam Maison de la Santé




Hygïestraat 8, 1076 RM Amsterdam

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Also home visits

The rate* is 100 euros 


If you are unable to attend, you must cancel the scheduled appointment 24 hours in advance. After that time, the consultation will be charged.

* this rate is for sessions on weekdays

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RD & CGT Dascha Willemsen DDietist "Nourish yourself beyond nutrition" Learning to maintain a healthy nutritional pattern, learn to listen and trust body signals, feeling good in your body, taking good care of yourself requires more than just giving nutritional advice. So many more factors come into play. The Holistic Dietician / Dietistenpraktijk DDietist is specialized in 'Dietetics & Nutritional Psychology' and therefore uses a holistic apptoach (coaching on a physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level)

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Amélie van der Aa, pre- and postnatal nutritionist: "Eating well before and during pregnancy and breastfeeding is the single most impactful decision you can make to empower your child's health for life. Moreover, optimal pre- and postnatal nutrition will boost your own health and mental wellbeing as a new mom". In her nutrition practice, Amélie helps moms and moms-to-be optimise their diet - without spending hours in the kitchen - so they can feel good and balanced while building a strong and healthy nest.


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